Exhibition Terms
Arizona Health Care Association (Show Management) shall have sole authority to promulgate, interpret, and enforce all rules and regulations, and make any amendments to the regulations as shall be necessary for the orderly conduct of the Trade Show. All matters and questions not covered by these regulations are subject to the decision of Show Management.
Payment, Refund & Cancellation Policies
The total amount for exhibit space is due upon the reserving of space. If an exhibitor finds it impossible to attend, and a letter (email is acceptable) is sent to the Show Management main contact (Frank Caruso at Fcaruso@azhca.org) to that effect by 5 p.m. May 31, 2025, the exhibitor will be charged an administrative fee of $200 per booth and the balance of the booth price will be refunded. No refunds for any portion of the booth fee will be made after May 31; exhibitors who purchase booths after May 31 are not entitled to any refund. *Please note that membership dues are nonrefundable.
In the event that a situation should arise where Show Management does postpone or cancel the Convention for any reason, the following cancellation policy will take effect:
- If the Convention is moved from the original date to a new date within the same calendar year and the exhibitor cannot attend the new dates; a full refund (not including dues) will be granted or the exhibitor will have the opportunity to apply their funds to the following year’s show dates.
- If the Convention is canceled completely and will not take place within the same calendar year, a full refund will be granted, or the exhibitor will have the opportunity to apply their funds to the following year’s show dates.
Use of Exhibit Space
- CONTRACT OF SPACE: The application for exhibit space, the formal notice of space assignment by Show Management, and these Rules and Regulations constitute a contract for the right to exhibit at the AHCA 2025 Annual Convention and Expo. The exhibitor also agrees to comply with any rules and regulations of the and Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa.
- ELIGIBLE EXHIBITS & RESTRICTIONS: Show Management reserves the right to accept or reject without reason any Exhibit registration received. Show Management also reserves the right of exhibit space reassignment and reserves the right to cancel this registration, whenever it discovers that the exhibitor’s product is not as described in this contract or is incompatible with the purposes of the exposition registration for space may also be canceled if Show Management deems the exhibitor’s demeanor inappropriate or disruptive.
- SUBLETTING OF SPACE: Individuals and companies offering goods or services that have chosen not to purchase a booth are prohibited from soliciting business in any manner in the exhibit area. The booth purchased by the exhibitor is for the exclusive use of the legal entity on the registration form. No other legal entity or division of, subsidiary of, or related party to the exhibitor may utilize any portion of the exhibitor’s assigned booth. Exhibitors may not assign, sublet, share, or apportion the whole or any part of the space allocated to it with any other entity. Only products or services sold or distributed by the exhibitor in the ordinary course of its business shall be advertised or exhibited in exhibitor’s booth. Exhibitor’s agents shall also reflect appropriate business dress and decorum while maintaining their booth during show hours.
- SOUND AND LIGHTS: Show Management reserves the right to determine at what point sound and/or light constitutes an interference with others and must be discontinued or modified. Any activity which projects sound and/or light beyond the confines of the exhibit booth is prohibited.
- FOOD SERVICE: In an effort to provide the safest environment, samples of food, beverages, or any product may not be distributed by any exhibitor without the prior approval of Show Management. The exhibitor must notify Show Management of any dispensing of food and beverage (3 oz. or less) from their booth thirty (30) days prior to arrival. The hotel ultimately has the final say when samples are concerned. Anything over 3 oz. is not permitted or is subject to hotel corkage and service fees and applicable taxes. All alcohol must be provided by the hotel in the ordinance of the Arizona State liquor laws and hotel policy. Bartenders and cashiers will be scheduled accordingly, and charges will be applied based on the need. Please contact show management to be put in contact with a hotel sales representative to arrange for alcohol service from your booth.
- SIGNS & POSTERS/PROHIBITED DISPLAYS & ITEMS: The exhibitor shall not post or exhibit signs, advertisements, posters, or cards of any description inside, in front of, or on any part of the and Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa without written consent. The use of propane or bottled gas or any hazardous material within the building is prohibited. In addition, the exhibitor may not cement, nail, tack, tape or attach any material to any floor, wall, or column.
- FIRE SAFETY & HEALTH: The exhibitor agrees to accept full responsibility for compliance with city, county, state, and federal Fire Safety and Health Ordinances regarding the installation and operation of equipment. All exhibit materials and equipment must be reasonably located within the booth and protected by safety guards and devices where necessary to prevent personal accidents to spectators. The exhibitor hereby represents and warrants to Show Management that the exhibitor has taken all steps reasonably necessary in its judgment to ensure the sound engineering and structural integrity of its exhibit design and the proper construction and safety of the exhibit itself, as erected. All material used by the exhibitor in exhibit booths must be fireproofed and the exhibitor must obtain advance approval from the city fire marshal to use open flames, any kind of compressed gas or explosive fuels, heat or other potentially dangerous medium. Exhibitor must furnish copies of all correspondence with the city fire marshal to Show Management. Exhibitor accepts full responsibility for compliance with national, state, and city fire safety regulations.
- DAMAGE TO PROPERTY: The exhibitor, its agents, guests, or patrons shall not injure, mar, nor in any manner deface the and Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa premises or equipment therein, and shall not cause or permit anything to be done whereby the Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa and Spa or its equipment shall be in any manner injured, marred, unduly soiled, defaced, lost, stolen, or otherwise removed from the building, and will not drive, or permit to be driven, nails, hooks, tacks, or screws into any part of the and Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa, and will not make nor allow to be made, any alterations of any kind therein. Should any of the and Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa equipment used by the exhibitor in the conduct or operation of the exposition be damaged, lost, or stolen, the exhibitor will promptly pay for the equipment by cash or certified check.
- SECURITY: AHCA will provide basic security services. The exhibitor agrees to hold AHCA and the Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa harmless and to indemnify AHCA and the Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa against claims or liability arising out of the actions, fault, or negligence of the exhibitor, its agents, or employees, prior to, during, and after the expo. AHCA and Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur to the exhibitor or the exhibitor’s agents, patrons, guests, employees, or property from any cause whatsoever (unless occasioned by the sole willful or gross negligence of AHCA or the Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa prior to, during, or subsequent to the expo) The exhibitor hereby releases AHCA and the Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa from and agrees to indemnify them against, any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury.
Arrangement of Space
Exhibitors must display and arrange materials in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. All booth heights are subject to change based on height restrictions in the exhibit hall.
- SIZE LIMITATIONS: Booths are 8 feet deep and 10 feet wide. Exhibits may not project beyond the space allotted and aisles must be kept clear for traffic. An exhibitor shall not infringe upon the rights and privileges of any other exhibitor. Canvassing outside the booth is not permitted and violators may be asked to leave. Exhibits shall not obstruct the view or interfere with traffic to exhibits of others. No walls, partitions, signs, or decorations may be erected that will interfere with the general view “down the aisle” or with any other exhibits. For end cap booths, this means displays must provide 3 feet of clearance on each side so the view down the aisle is unobstructed. Show Management reserves the right to relocate exhibitors for the benefit of the exhibitor or the Trade Show.
Exhibit Set-Up
- UNOCCUPIED SPACE: Should any rented space remain unoccupied after the 3:30 p.m. inspection deadline prior to the Show’s opening on Monday, June 16, Show Management reserves the right to sell or occupy said space.
- EARLY TEARDOWN: All exhibits of the exhibitor must remain intact and staffed until the exposition closes on Tuesday, June 17 at 2:00 p.m. and may not be dismantled or removed before that time without the prior authorization of Show Management. Anyone tearing down early will NOT be invited back to exhibit next year.
Name Badges
Exhibiting companies must request and obtain name badges for distribution only to the exhibiting company’s employees who will staff their booth during show hours. Name badges will include the name of the employee along with the name of the Company. Information will be sent out several weeks prior to the show on making these requests online. Each booth will receive two name badges. Exhibitors may have up to three additional name badges for an extra $250 per person. Attendees signed up as an exhibitor must be staffing the booth, otherwise they must register for the convention as an attendee. A maximum of 5 people can be in a booth; additional people over 5 will be charged the full convention registration rate.
Please note that only current employees of the exhibiting company may acquire a badge! All employees of an exhibiting company must be prepared during show hours to show proof of employment with a business card. The failure of an employee to demonstrate proof of employment with a business card will result in confiscation of the unauthorized name badge and immediate escorting of the nonemployee individual off of the expo floor. In addition, should it be discovered that a nonemployee of an exhibiting company is wearing a name badge or that the exhibiting company obtained a name badge for a nonemployee or participated in a scheme to obtain a name badge for a nonemployee, the exhibiting company will be prohibited from exhibiting at the following year’s AHCA Annual Convention and expo.
Suitcasing is described as “a parasitic business practice in which unethical companies will gain access to an event by obtaining some type of event credential (attendee badge, expo-only badge, etc.) and then solicit business in the aisles or other public spaces used for the conference.” Purchasing admission to the Expo outside of being an exhibitor and/or sponsor at the AHCA Annual Convention and Expo, in no way grants the right to solicit business in any way; that right is reserved exclusively for our exhibitors who have purchased booths. Anyone found violating this policy will be escorted from the Expo.
Third-Party Events
By agreeing to exhibit and/or sponsor at the AHCA Convention & Expo, the company agrees to not schedule a third-party event either held on the host property or offsite that is in direct competition with any AHCA scheduled event programming without prior authorization and scheduling by AHCA, at its discretion.
Pre- and Post-Conference Attendee Lists
Each confirmed exhibitor will be emailed a list of all convention attendees in an Excel format, approximately two weeks in advance of the expo and two weeks after.
Attorney’s Fees and Costs
Should any litigation arise out of this agreement, both parties agree to binding arbitration; the exhibitor shall pay all costs and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by Show Management, and/or the sponsoring organization, and/or the co-sponsoring associations as the prevailing parties.
Public Policy
All exhibitors are participating at the exclusive discretion of Show Management and must abide by all local codes, rules, regulations, and ordinances, including fire regulations, and must abide by the directions and instructions presented by official Show Management and Renaissance Glendale Hotel & Spa. The exhibitor understands that any violations of these policies may result in the immediate closing and removal of the exhibitor’s booth.
Attendance Policy
It is the policy of Arizona Health Care Association (the “Association”) that Businesses or Venders who are not Exhibitors, Presenters, AHCA Board Members, AHCA Staff Consultants, Sponsors and/or licensed Nursing Home Administrators, Assisted Living Managers, or other staff of skilled nursing facilities or assisted living communities, may not attend the AHCA Convention.
Photography Policy
By registering for and/or attending any AHCA event, participants acknowledge and agree that data, video, photographs, and other image and voice recordings of the event, may be documented by AHCA or parties acting on the behalf of AHCA. The data, video, photographs, and other recordings may be used by AHCA in any media now known or later invented for any purpose related to AHCA’s mission, including educational, promotional, and awareness-related use.
Antitrust Policy
It is the established policy of the Arizona Health Care Association to comply with all laws, including the antitrust laws. Because this event includes individuals representing entities that are or may be competitors, we restrict our communications to the discussion topics specifically addressed by AHCA in this event. In order to comply with this policy, please refrain from addressing any issues related to your respective companies’ competitively sensitive proprietary information, including (but not limited to) current or future pricing, rebates, margins, discounts, terms of sale or costs, strategic plans or initiatives, business plans, bidding situations, sales to specific customers, or in specific geographic areas. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact AHCA’s CEO David A. Voepel at Dvoepel@azhca.org.
Krysten Dobson
Director of Education and Grant Management